The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.

The Secretary's report was right an accepted.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $772.35 in the treasury.

Nominations for chapter offices were opened:

President Dave Mathieson
Bob Johnson
First Vice President Dick Sprecher
Lorin Johnson
Second Vice President Donald Kawash
Third Vice President John Kielec
John Childs
Don Haynes
Recording Secretary Ken Keeler (declined)
John Kucharski
Jack Kooyoomjian
Treasurer Art LaPerriere
Bob Morgan
Corresponding Secretary Marty Rosenberg
John Murphy
Sergeant at Arms Josh Cusson
Brad Brayton
Historian Ed Pelletier (declined)
Harry Hooper
Roger Crouse
Jack Kooyoomjian
Don Haynes
Ed Skea
The Service Committee recommended the following two motions.

Move: that a committee be set up to investigate the construction of campus signs at all intersections.  (Carried)

Move: that the chapter enclose the three trees on the south terrace of the Union with a rectangular benches, the cost to be about $200.  A quorum was called in voting on this motion was delayed until a quorum could be assembled.  The motion was then passed on a 14 to 4 vote.

The Membership Committee made the following three motions, all of which were accepted by the brotherhood.

Move: that the pledge initiation be held Friday night May 14, 1963.

Move: that Ed Johnson, Alumni Director of the University, be made an honorary member of Kappa Omicron chapter.

Move: that a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the membership present be required to accept a pledge for membership.

The Banquet Committee made the following motion:

Move: but that would be held at Alexander's restaurant in North Hampton.  This was carried.

The following motion was tabled by the Bylaws and Constitution Committee for further consideration.

Move: that a brother will lose the privilege of voting and will not be counted in the quorum at any given semester, regardless of whether he has paid his dues, it said brother Mrs. three consecutive meetings, and only the brotherhood shall be allowed to vote exceptions to this rule by a simple majority of those present.

The following motion was unanimously approved by the brotherhood.

Move: that the pledgers be invited to join the brotherhood and refreshments following the meeting, and that this fact be stated in the next meeting minutes.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Robert J. Johnson
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes